Swap Meet rules

  1. Please keep adverts relevant to the category you have chosen: for example, Vans and Pick-ups belong in the Rigs, Trailers and Tools section, not the Cars section.

  2. Please do not place the same advert in multiple categories.

  3. Businesses have their own section of the Swap Meet and all adverts from businesses must be posted in that section. Adverts from businesses in other sections will be removed, as will adverts posted in other sections reading "See advert in the Business section".

  4. Please keep the language clean in your advert. Swearing etc is not permitted. Any advertisement considered offensive in any way by the Eurodragster.com staff will be removed without notice.

  5. Threats, racism or other language which may cause offence is expressly forbidden.

  6. Please do not use the Swap Meet to post adverts for non racing-related items.

  7. Linking to EBay auctions is forbidden.

  8. Please do not repeatedly re-post the same advert to keep it at the top of a section. Adverts re-posted within two weeks of the original will be removed.

  9. Please do not post numerous adverts in the same section within a short period of time.

  10. Do not post over-long adverts: business users please be aware that readers are not interested in ploughing through your entire catalogue of stock in one advert.

  11. DVDs, CDs or computer software advertised must be the original article: no copies of items may be advertised. Details of anyone found to be selling pirate copies will be passed on to the Police.

  12. Please be aware that text all in UPPER CASE is considered rude on the Internet as it is taken to constitute shouting. Please take the time to use the correct case.

  13. Eurodragster.com is not responsible for the content of your advert, nor for any replies or offers you receive as a result of placing an advert. Disputes must be resolved between the relevant parties as we will not become involved.

If these rules appear restrictive then please bear in mind that the Swap Meet is a free service to both vendors and purchasers and that Eurodragster.com takes no commission on sales etc.

The Swap Meet is monitored on a daily basis and the Eurodragster.com staff reserve the right to remove or amend any advert without prior warning.

Guidelines for placing advertisements

  1. When composing your advert it is best to draft it out in Word or Notepad first, check spelling and content, and then Copy and Paste it into the form.

  2. When you enter your E-Mail address in the relevant field it will display as "click here" rather than showing your actual address.

  3. Please avoid using slang terms in your advert: whilst you know what you are talking about, others may not.

  4. Please keep your adverts short and to the point. Visitors are unlikely to spend five minutes reading a two-page epic. Please include relevant details such as condition of the item and of course the price.

  5. If, after placing an advert, you receive an E-Mail which is obviously the work of a scammer then the simplest thing to do is to delete that E-Mail and forget about it. If you are at all worried about receiving the attentions of a scammer then leave a phone number in your advert and not an E-Mail address since the most common types of scammer will generally not make phone calls.